Safeguard your builds
We offer cost-effective risk solutions that customised to fit each construction project and supported by dedicated service and claims team. From small-scale engineering to large infrastructure projects, contractors today face multiple risks such as natural disasters leading to supply chain disruption that can potentially result in project delays and severe contractual and financial consequences. We identify and prioritise risk areas for your construction business and projects, customised risk transfer solutions including liability coverage and surety bonds.
The workers’ compensation environment is growing increasingly complex and challenging as new issues continue to arise contributing to more workers’ compensation claims and higher costs. Workforce sustainability is also becoming one of the top concerns for many businesses. Workers’ Compensation insurance can help you effectively to manage your workers’ compensation costs and driving down casualty total cost of risk.
Our construction insurance offers comprehensive cover by covering risks that may arise during construction.
Rest assured, we’ve got you covered with our range of insurance options. Whether you need Contractor All Risks (CAR), Erection All Risks (EAR) and Workmen Compensation (WC), we’ve got the right solutions for you. Drop your details and our dedicated team will get in touch with tailor-made quotes. Find below details on each coverage.
Contractor All Risks (CAR)
Erection All Risks (EAR)
Workmen Compensation (WC)
Contractor All Risks (CAR)
Any unforeseen incidents can happen in the construction industry. The Contractor’s All Risks Insurance covers the work to be executed in accordance with the contract, temporary works, materials, construction plant and equipment brought into the site and liabilities arising out of the performance of the contract.
Any unforeseen incidents can happen in the construction industry. The Contractor’s All Risks Insurance covers the work to be executed in accordance with the contract, temporary works, materials, construction plant and equipment brought into the site and liabilities arising out of the performance of the contract.
This policy is designed to help developers, principals and contractors to better manage their construction risk and exposures.
Section I – Material Damage
This section of the insurance covers the contract works of the insured against any sudden and unforeseen physical loss or damage occurring (except as specifically excluded in the policy) to the contract works/property/items insured, during the period of insurance.
Section II – Third Party Liability
This section of the insurance covers the liability of the insured against any liability in respect of third party bodily injury or property damage arising out and in the course of the construction works upon;
• Accidental bodily injury or illness to third parties
• Accidental loss of or damage to property belonging to third parties
Occurring in direct connection with the construction works and happening on or in the immediate vicinity of the site during the period of insurance.
This policy does not cover losses, such as: –
• War, Civil War and any act of Terrorism
• Radioactive and nuclear energy risks
• Willful acts or willful negligence
• Wear and Tear
• Faulty design
• The cost of replacement, repair or rectification of defective material and/or workmanship
• Mechanical and/or electrical breakdown or derangement of construction plant and machinery
• Consequential loss of any kind, including penalties, losses due to delay, lack of performance, loss of contract
• Seepage, Pollution and Contamination
• Asbestos
Note: This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the policy contract for the full list of exclusions under this policy
Erection All Risks (EAR)
The Erection All Risks Insurance can protect your business against physical loss and damage during complex installation and assembly of electrical and mechanical parts.
This policy is designed to provide protection for contractors or business owners against losses or damages in respect of the erection works at contract site and third party claims arising in connection with the erection works.
Section I – Material Damage
This section of the insurance covers the erection works of the insured against any sudden and unforeseen physical loss or damage in respect of all the risks involved in the erection and installation of machinery, plant and steel structure of any kind, during the period of insurance.
Section II – Third Party Liability
This section of the insurance covers the liability of the insured against any liability in respect of third party bodily injury or property damage arising out and in the course of the construction works upon;
• Accidental bodily injury or illness to third parties
• Accidental loss of or damage to property belonging to third parties
Occurring in direct connection with the construction works and happening on or in the immediate vicinity of the site during the period of insurance.
This policy does not cover losses, such as: –
• War, Civil War and any act of Terrorism
• Radioactive and nuclear energy risks
• Willful acts or willful negligence
• Wear and Tear
• Faulty design
• The cost of replacement, repair or rectification of defective material and/or workmanship
• Mechanical and/or electrical breakdown or derangement of construction plant and machinery
• Consequential loss of any kind, including penalties, losses due to delay, lack of performance, loss of contract
• Seepage, Pollution and Contamination
• Asbestos
Note: This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the policy contract for the full list of exclusions under this policy.
Workmen Compensation (WC)
This policy provides cover for injuries by accident and/or diseases to your workmen arising from work.
This Policy will pay compensation either under Workmen Compensation Laws of Malaysia or your liability under common law for injuries to your workmen by accident or disease arising out of and in the course of employment.
This Policy does not cover :-
• War, terrorism, nuclear risks and asbestosis;
• Fines, penalties, punitive damages awarded by a court of law;
• Your liability to employees of contractors;
• Any employee who is not a ‘workman’ within the meaning of the Workmen Compensation Laws of Malaysia.
Note: This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the Policy Contract for the full list of exclusions.
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