What is Defensive Driving and How it can Save Your Life?

What is defensive driving?


Defensive driving means actively looking out for and avoiding potential dangers on the road in a situation where other drivers could be making mistake. Defensive drivers pay attention to what’s happening around them and are always ready to react quickly to stay safe, just like in a hazard perception test.


Being a good defensive driver is important for everyone. It helps prevent accidents, keeps you and others safe, and can even save you money on insurance. If you want to become a safer driver, consider taking a defensive driving course.

Here are 10 easy defensive driving tips to help you drive confidently and stay safe. By following these tips, you can be better prepared to handle any dangers on the road and reduce the chances of accidents.

How to Practice Defensive Driving?

Having strong road awareness and being well-prepared are vital for practicing defensive driving techniques. By keeping a safe distance from the car in front, staying alert to the road ahead, checking your mirrors regularly, and adjusting your speed according to the conditions, you can be proactive in recognizing potential dangers and responding promptly.

young woman adjusting rear view mirror car
Defensive Driving

Be a vigilant and proactive driver:

  1. Maintain a safe following distance: Always keep a three-second gap between your car and the one ahead. In challenging weather or road conditions, increase this distance.
  2. Scan the road ahead: Make it a habit to scan the road 10-15 seconds ahead of your vehicle. This way, you can spot possible hazards or changes in traffic conditions early on.
  3. Check your mirrors: Frequently glance at your rear-view and side mirrors to be aware of other vehicles around you and potential blind spots.
  4. Adjust your speed to conditions: Drive at a safe and suitable speed based on the road conditions, weather, traffic, and visibility.

It is important to note that defensive driving is more than just a set of skills or techniques to learn. It’s a way of thinking that focuses on making proactive decisions, being aware of your surroundings, and foreseeing possible hazards. It involves a mindset that prioritizes safety and prepares you to handle potential dangers on the road.

Essential defensive driving behaviours:

  1. Stay attentive and focused: Always keep your eyes on the road, avoiding distractions like using mobile phones, eating, or adjusting the radio.
  2. Signal appropriately: Indicate your intentions ahead of time, whether you’re changing lanes, turning, or coming to a stop.
  3. Respect right-of-way: Understand and follow the rules regarding right-of-way, yielding to pedestrians, bicycles, and other vehicles when necessary.
  4. Anticipate others’ actions: Be ready for potential mistakes from other drivers and stay prepared to react quickly if needed.
  5. Drive with courtesy: Show patience, respect, and consideration to fellow drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists.
  6. Avoid aggressive driving: Steer clear of aggressive behaviors like tailgating, excessive speeding, or anything that can lead to road rage or accidents.

While we cannot entirely foresee or prevent accidents on the road, being prepared for such unfortunate events is of utmost importance. One crucial step to ensure your protection is to have your vehicle insured adequately.

Insurance provides the much-needed financial security to cover damages and potential liabilities in case of an accident. Remember, accidents can be stressful and overwhelming, but knowing what to do can make a significant difference.

Visit GoInsuran.com today to get the best car insurance deal for your car’s own unique needs.